 To introduce the concepts of applying Aero thermodynamics to air breathing propulsion.  To familiarize the student's ability to analyze the concepts of compressor.  To understand the basics of Axial Turbine.  To understand the basics of Ramjet and Scramjet. 

UNIT 1 THERMODYNAMICS OF AIR BREATHING PROPULSION 9 Hrs. History and classifications of Aero engines, Working of gas turbine engine – Thrust equation – Factors affecting thrust – Engine performance parameters – Efficiency, Specific fuel consumption, Methods of thrust augmentation – The propeller, turboprop, turbofan and turbojet engines characteristics. 

UNIT 2 INLETS, COMBUSTION CHAMBER AND NOZZLES 9 Hrs. Introduction-Subsonic inlets-Supersonic inlets-Modes of Inlet operation- Gas turbine combustors-Types of combustion chamber-Fuel injector- Flame Tube cooling-Flame Stabilization-Flame holders- Theory of flow in isentropic nozzles – Losses in nozzles –Nozzle efficiency––nozzle choking –Over expanded and under expanded nozzles – Ejector and variable area nozzles.

 UNIT 3 AIR COMPRESSOR 9 Hrs. Compressor and its classification- Centrifugal compressor - Work and compression ratio -Performance characteristicsCentrifugal compressor staging- Axial compressor-Work and compression ratio- Degree of reaction- Characteristic performance of a single stage axial compressor- Characteristic performance of a multistage axial compressor- Cascading of axial compressor-Compressor efficiency. 

UNIT 4 AXIAL TURBINES 9 Hrs. Axial turbine stage -Velocity triangles and Power output - Elementary theory - Vortex theory- Limiting Factors of gas turbine design-Turbine performance- Turbine Blade cooling- Axial flow Turbine and compressor matching. 

UNIT 5 RAMJET AND SCRAMJET 9 Hrs. Operating principle of RAMJET engine- RAMJET with afterburner- RAMJET performance- SCRAMJET working principleProblems faced in supersonic combustion. 

Max 45 Hrs. 

COURSE OUTCOME On completion of the course, student will be able to CO1 - Understand the working principles of gas turbine. CO2 - Comprehend the sound foundation in the design principles of inlets, combustion chambers, nozzles used in aircraft engines. CO3 - Learn the operation of compressors in aircraft engines. CO4 - Understand the concept of turbines in gas turbine propulsion systems. CO5 - Understand the principle and performance of ramjet and scramjet propulsion. CO6 - Applying the importance of Propulsion to Aircraft system. 

TEXT / REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Philip Hill and Carl Peterson, “Mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion”, Pearson India, second edition 2010. 2. V.Ganesan., “Gas Turbines”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, third edition, 2010. 3. Cohen.H, Rogers.G.F.C. and Saravanamuttoo.H.I.H, “Gas turbine theory”. Pearson education, fifth edition,2001. 4. Rathakrishnan E., “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, Prentice-Hall India, 2012. 5. Saeed Farokhi, “Aircraft Propulsion”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc ., 2009. 6. Rolls Royce Jet Engine – 5thEdition – 1996.