To know the principles of sampling & quantization. 

To understand the various Base Band signaling schemes. 

To introduce the basic concepts of digital modulation of baseband signals. 

To get introduced to the basics of source and channel coding/decoding. 

To understand the basics of spread spectrum modulation schemes.


On completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1 - Design PCM systems. 

CO2 - Apply the knowledge of signals and system and evaluate the performance of digital communication system in the presence of noise. 

CO3 - Design and implement band pass signaling schemes and analyze the spectral characteristics of band pass signaling schemes. 

CO4 - Design encoder and decoder for the error control codes like block code, cyclic code. CO5 - Analyze the digital communication system with spread spectrum modulation. 

CO6 - Examine the theoretical concepts through laboratory experiments, analyze and interpret the results to provide valid conclusions.