. Understanding the essence of ‘alternative building materials and technology’, ‘rematerial oriented design’, ‘super use’ ‘opportunistic architecture’ need for alternative building materials and building technology, alternative natural building materials - building materials with recycled content 

UNIT 2 ALTERNATIVE BUILDING MATERIALS. Locally available building materials and their usability – applications of bamboo in building construction – flooring – roofingceiling – trusses Mud as building and building materials - field tests for identification of suitable soil for mud construction – techniques of mud stabilization –techniques of mud construction – finishes and protective treatments – production of mud blocks Innovative techniques for walls – lato blocks- cellular concrete blocks – hollow concrete blocks – hollow clay blocks – stone masonry blocks – sand lime bricks Use of industrial, agricultural, construction wastes and post-consumer wastes - Survey of such materials development by research organizations like CBRI, SERC etc. 

UNIT 3 ALTERNATIVE BUILDING TECHNOLOGY  Innovative techniques for roofing/flooring - Filler slabs, Composite beam panel roofs, Masonry vaults and domes – funicular shells – precast reinforced concrete channel units – pre stressed concrete hollow cored units- precast RCC joints – ferro cement ribbed slabs – folded plates, Foundations - Use of arches in foundation, alternatives for walls constructions – composite masonry, confined masonry, cavity walls, rammed earth, rat trap bond - Ferro cement and ferro-concrete building components Materials and specifications, Properties. Top down construction, Fast track construction methods - building examples Alternative practices - windows and door - panels and frames, flooring, handrails, partitions, staircases - Staircase - Methods of construction of staircases (timber, steel, glass, composite materials) - basic principles, finishes for staircases


Current developments in the use of Nano materials in construction industry – various types of nano fibers like nano silica, nanoTitania, carbon nano tubes, carbon nano fibers - applications - advantages and disadvantages 


Case studies of buildings constructed with alternative building materials and technology for substructure and superstructure in Indian context