Research Content: The Dissertation is an individual research project that is a major piece of work undertaken by the students.The aim is to prepare state of art report on the chosen topic and develop hypothesis to be tested through the research methodology designed for the purpose. Students are required to test their outcome proposals through various methods, including questionnaire surveys and case studies. It is encouraged that students identify topics for the Dissertation work which can be further developed into a Thesis Project with research in the next semester for more in-depth research. Alternatively, this Dissertation Project can be an independent research topic. Students must create an innovative insight on the specific issues.

 Research Process: Dissertation work includes processes such as: Research area identification; hypothesis of research topic; literature sourcing and search; aim and objective definition; formulation of methodology; field study planning; survey data collection, analysis and result presentation; literature study; conceptual an empirical :compilation and inference drawing; research study validation through case studies, field application and simulation models; discussion of findings of research findings; study conclusion and recommendation formulations 

Area of Research: Some of the area for Dissertation are land use and planning, financial management, lean construction, quality control and safety procedures, real estate regulations and laws, advanced technologies, project management knowledge areas, PPP projects and business environment.