Unit: 1 – CELLS AND CELLULAR METABOLISM                                                     12 Hrs

Introduction to human anatomy and physiology – Basic elements of life, characteristics and maintenance of life – levels of organisms, structure of matter, chemical constituent of cell – movement through cell membrane, life cycle of cells and control of cell reproduction, metabolic process, control of energy and metabolic reactions, metabolic pathway - nucleic acids and protein synthesis – change in genetic information.


Unit: 2 – TISSUES AND INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                                             12 Hrs

Tissues – epithelial, muscular and nervous tissuesintegumentary system, types of membranes, skin – accessory organs, disorders, regulations of body temperature – Bone structure, development, function and organization of skeleton – joints, classification, structures and movements – muscle, structure and types, actions and responses.


Unit: 3 – BODY SYSTEMS AND FUNCTIONS                                                               12 Hrs

Blood, circulation and function – lymphatic system-Endocrine system, endocrine glands, structure and function – respiratory system, structure and function – cardiac system, structure and function.


Unit:4 – NERVOUS SYSTEMS AND SENSES                                                                 12 Hrs

Nervous tissue, cell membrane potential, classification of neurons and nerve fibres – meninges, spinal cord, brain – peripheral and autonomic nervous system – somatic and special senses, receptors and sensations (smell, taste, hearing, equilibrium and sight).


Unit: 5 – METABOLISM AND NUTRITION                                                                   12 Hrs

Digestive system, structure and function – urinary system, kidney and nephron, structure and function – reproductive system – metabolism and nutrition.

Max. 60 Hours


1.       Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, 11th Edition, 2011, Martini, Nath, and Bartholomew.

2.       Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 12th Edition, 2017, Elaine N. Marieb and Suzanne M. Keller.